Deadline for Abstract Submission:
February 28(Fri), 2025


Before Submitting Abstracts

  • ·Submitted abstracts will be reviewed by the Committee.
  • ·The presentation type may be changed following review by the Committee.
  • ·Abstract submission does not constitute registration, and presenters are required to register for the congress separately.
  • ·Please carefully read the guidelines before submitting your abstract.
  • ·For any questions regarding abstract submission, please contact the secretariat (

How to Submit


Sign up and log in to
ILLS 2025 website


Click the abstract submission
button below


Fill out abstract
and submit


Save the abstract and
revise until the deadline


Pushing Technical boundaries of MILS
Robotic assisted liver surgery
Role of MIS in liver tumours
Allied Technologies in liver tumours
Navigation systems in MILS
Minimally Invasive Donor Hepatectomy
MILS and Gender equity
MILS in emerging countries
Teaching and training in MILS
Updates in trials and registries
Definition of minimally invasive hepatectomy
Defining difficulty of minimally invasive hepatectomy
Short-term outcomes after minimally invasive hepatectomy
Long-term outcomes after minimally invasive hepatectomy

Submission Guidelines


Authors have the option of choosing their presentation type (Oral, Poster, or Video Presentation). However, the committee will make the final decision after review.


All abstracts must be submitted online.


Abstracts must be written in clear English.


Abstracts should be no more than 2,000 characters including spaces for the total abstract body. (NOT including abstract title, author names and institutions)


Please check the presenting author when you type the author information online.


If you want to modify or review your abstract, you can do so at '‘My Page-Abstract Submission.”


The right to publish your abstract is granted to the ILLS 2025 Organizing Committee.


Presenting authors must register in the congress through the website by April 28, 2025 (KST).


An abstract should include a title, author's name and affiliation, body, and keywords.


Ensure that your abstract is grammatically correct and free of typographical errors.

Title Abstract title should be less than 30 words. Spaces do not count as characters.
Author You can enter up to 20 authors.
If the abstract has more than 21 authors and affiliations, please send the abstract to the secretariat by e-mail (
Abstract Body The abstract body text should be structured chronologically into four sections: Objectives, Methods, Results, and Conclusions.
Keywords 3 keywords which the first word begins with a capital letter.
Tables and Images No tables, graphs or images are allowed.

Presentation Types

※ Outstanding oral or video abstracts may be selected for plenary oral or plenary video presentations.

Oral Presentation 7 min. Presentation and 3 min. Q&A
Video Presentation 7 min. Presentation and 3 min. Q&A
*If you want to submit your abstract for the video presentation,
please submit the video file (within 7 minutes, no narration needed) as well.
Poster Presentation (Mini Oral) 3 min. Presentation and 2 min. Q&A
Poster Exhibition Presentation NOT required.

Notification of Acceptance

  • 1.All submitted abstracts will be reviewed by the Committee according to standard review procedures.
  • 2.Abstract acceptance will be notified by email to the presenting and corresponding authors on March 31, 2025 (KST).
  • 3.Outstanding abstracts will receive the award! For further details, please refer to the Awards page.