We invite you to ILLS 2025


Personal Information

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* Overseas living in Korea: If you study and/or work in Korea, the same rules apply as Koreans. Please select your country as Republic of Korea when you register.

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  • Your name will be appeared on your name badge exactly as it is entered in these fields. If you wish your name to be appeared in a specific way, please contact the Secretariat at info@ills2025.com
  • The first letter of your given name and all the letters of your family name will be automatically capitalized.
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※ 해당 대학/종합병원을 선택하시면 영문 소속명과 주소가 자동으로 입력 됩니다. 소속이 검색되지 않을 경우 직접 작성해 주시기 바랍니다.

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Invitation Letter

To receive an Invitation letter for visa application, please fill out the above field accurately. After making full payment, Please e-mail the secretariat for reveiving the soft copy of invitation letter. In order to receive a hard copy of the invitation letter, a requester should send USD 30 for postage to the Secretariat in advance. If you need, please contact the Secretaiat (registration@ills2025.com).
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for signing up for the ILLS 2025 official website.

You can review the details of your personal information and other necessary information at the My Page

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ILLS 2025 Secretariat: P&M

Tel.: +82-2-557-8422, 8423 | Fax. +82-2-557-8428 | E-mail. info@ills2025.com

3F, 12, Eonju-ro 79-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea [06222]

ILLS 2025 Organizing Committee (제5차 세계복강경간학회 학술대회)

Congress Chair: Ho-Seong Han | Business License No.:139-82-73336

#7716, 7th Floor, 2-Dong, 82 Gumi-ro, 173 Beon-gil, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do 13620, KOREA

The International Laparoscopic Liver Society (ILLS) © 2023, All Rights Reserved.

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